Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Power of Three

Three months
Party of three
Three special words... we love you!

January 15th was Jack's three month birthday. I can remember being admitted to the hospital and the nurse stating what a kicker he was, since she could not keep the monitor still on my belly. Now I type this as he kicks and then kicks some more on a play mat right in front of me. Could it really have gone by that fast?

He loves to...
Smile at Michael
Play in his bathtub (he moves his feet like he is two stepping)
Be rocked to sleep (sometimes to his parents detriment)
Watch football or Fox News (Like father like son)
Look at himself in the mirror (He is "starting with the man in the mirror")

He does not like to...
Ride in his car seat
Not be taken seriously when he tells you what he wants (which is hard when sometimes you have no clue)
Be startled by his hands when taking a nap

Jack went to school for the first time today. We wore matching outfits for good luck. If you know Michael and I we try to make play lists for special occasions on our Ipod. I prepared a list of Disney songs for him. Hakuna Matata and Bear Necessities are bound to keep your spirits up! As I walked up to the school Amanda, my sister-in-law, popped out of one of the buildings to say hello. It made me feel good to see that familiar face and she also captured this photo.

He was being so calm and happy when we arrived, which made it less stressful. I don't believe any parent can say handing your child over to someone else is easy. Luckily they knew just what to say to keep my tears at bay until I got to the car. Okay maybe a few may have dropped next to him on his play mat as I kissed him goodbye in his classroom. When I picked him up at noon they had nothing but positive remarks that he was happy. We came home for some quality play mat and tummy time and lots of kisses. NaNa was by my side for the final day of maternity leave and I didn't seem to be the only one shedding tears. Thank you, Mom, for being a mom to me while I was learning the ropes of becoming one. Sometimes just having someone there on a good or bad day makes all the difference in the world.

"Maternity leave" is such an odd word combination when you think of it. Here is your first time to be maternal and the last thing you ever want to do is "leave". "Maternity Submersion" or "Maternity Life-Changing Event" seems a little more appropriate when you think about how you are being converted into a parent and newly responsible for another life. Transitions are the hardest part. Coming home from the hospital, Krissy leaving, Michael returning to work, being less of an infant and more of a newborn, and now heading off to school. Just when you think you may have the hang of it they are already on to the next phase. We are so lucky to have parents, siblings, and friends to share such wonderful life changes with. Through every transition we have received your love and prayers and it has made all the difference in the world. I have a feeling that from now on I will continue to cling to every moment and make my days stretch as long as I can. Who wouldn't when you get to see these three each day!


  1. I love you so much! Matching outfits and a first day playlist! Such a classic Katy move :)

  2. Such a sweet post and precious boy!

  3. Oh I just cried reading sweet. You are such a brave and wonderful mother, person, and friend. I love the matching outfits and Disney songs!
